Introducing the MindSet benchmark for comparing DNNs to human vision
Valerio Biscione, Don Yin, Gaurav Malhotra, Marin Dujmović, Milton Montero, Guillermo Puebla, Federioc Adolfi, Christian Tsvetkov, University of Bristol, United Kingdom; Benjamin Evans, Sussex University, United Kingdom; Jeffrey Bowers, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Posters 1B Poster
Presentation Time:
Thu, 24 Aug, 17:00 - 19:00 United Kingdom Time
We describe the MindSet benchmark designed to facilitate the testing of DNNs against controlled experiments reported in psychology. MindSet will focus on a range of low-, middle-, and high-level visual findings that provide important constraints for theory, provide the materials for testing DNNs, and provide an example of how to assess a DNN on each experiment using a ResNet152 pretrained on ImageNet. The goal is not to evaluate how well ResNet152 accounts for human vision, but rather, encourage researchers to assess how well various DNNs account for a range of key human visual phenomena.