
Oxford Examination Schools
75 – 81 High St
Oxford OX1 4BG
United Kingdom

Oxford hotels can be on the pricey side, so we are working with Oxford colleges to secure reasonably priced accommodation for people attending CCN. We are able to offer about 200 rooms in college buildings at reduced rates (between about £65 and £130 per night, depending on location, whether there is an en-suite, and whether breakfast is included). The only catch is that rooms have to be booked for 3 nights (24, 25 and 26 August). These rooms can be reserved as part of the registration process.

We realise that some people might want to arrive earlier or stay longer. This should be possible, but it can’t be booked through the conference. You will need to contact the relevant college - we can provide contact details. Equally, if you are travelling with family or other dependents and require special arrangements, we will work with you to make that possible.

Oxford Examination Schools