
Humans and 3D neural field models make similar 3D shape judgements

Thomas O'Connell, MIT, United States; Tyler Bonnen, Stanford University, United States; Yoni Friedman, Ayush Tewari, Josh Tenenbaum, Vincent Sitzmann, Nancy Kanwisher, MIT, United States

Contributed Talks 2 Lecture

Cognitive science

South Schools / East Schools

Presentation Time:
Sat, 26 Aug, 17:15 - 17:30 United Kingdom Time

Human visual perception captures the 3D shape of objects. While convolutional neural networks (CNNs) resemble some aspects of human visual processing, they fail to explain human shape perception. A new deep learning approach, 3D neural fields (3D-NFs), has driven remarkable recent progress in 3D graphics and computer vision. 3D-NFs encode the geometry of objects in a continuous, coordinate-based representation. Here, we investigate whether humans and 3D-NFs make similar trial-level 3D shape judgments on match-to-sample tasks with rendered stimuli. In Experiment 1, 3D-NF behavior is more similar to human behavior than standard CNNs trained on ImageNet, regardless of whether lure objects were a.) from a different category than the target, b.) the same category as the target, or c.) matched to have the most similar 3D-NF to the target as possible. In Experiment 2, to accentuate differences between humans and 3D-NFs compared to CNNs, five difficulty conditions were defined based on the performance of 25 ImageNet CNNs. Again, we find 3D-NF and human behavior are well aligned, with both showing high accuracy even for trials where CNNs fail. Overall, 3D-NFs and humans show similar patterns of 3D shape judgements, suggesting 3D-NFs as a promising framework for investigating human 3D shape perception.

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2023 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience
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Session CT-2
CT-2.1: Mental Imagery: Weak Vision or Compressed Vision?
Tiasha Saha Roy, Jesse Breedlove, Ghislain St-Yves, Kendrick Kay, Thomas Naselaris, University of Minnesota, United States
CT-2.2: Leveraging Artificial Neural Networks to Enhance Diagnostic Efficiency in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Study on Facial Emotion Recognition
Kushin Mukherjee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States; Na Yeon Kim, California Institute of Technology, United States; Shirin Taghian Alamooti, York University, Canada; Ralph Adolphs, California Institite of Technology, United States; Kohitij Kar, York University, Canada
CT-2.3: Dropout as a tool for understanding information distribution in human and machine visual systems
Jacob S. Prince, Harvard University, United States; Gabriel Fajardo, Boston College, United States; George A. Alvarez, Talia Konkle, Harvard University, United States
CT-2.4: Humans and 3D neural field models make similar 3D shape judgements
Thomas O'Connell, MIT, United States; Tyler Bonnen, Stanford University, United States; Yoni Friedman, Ayush Tewari, Josh Tenenbaum, Vincent Sitzmann, Nancy Kanwisher, MIT, United States
CT-2.5: Humans and CNNs see differently: Action affordances are represented in scene-selective visual cortex but not CNNs
Clemens G. Bartnik, Iris I.A. Groen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
CT-2.6: Beyond Geometry: Comparing the Temporal Structure of Computation in Neural Circuits with Dynamic Mode Representational Similarity Analysis
Mitchell Ostrow, Adam Eisen, Leo Kozachkov, Ila Fiete, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States